July 2019 Goals


Hellloooo July! I am so grateful you are here. I’m ready for a clean slate and some newness around this place! Also, there is something so wonderful about starting a new month on a Monday! Anyone else feel that?! I love the fresh start of the week and the month all at the same time!

Can you believe that we are halfway through the year? To me I like to reflect on the past six months and evaluate where I am with my goals and vision for the year. To be honest, this year has kicked my tail, and not just these past 6 months but honestly the last 12. It’s hard to share that, but it’s important to be vulnerable and share the failures just as much as the wins. If you haven’t made progress on your goals, I am right there with you. It’s easy to think that if we have failed in certain areas that means we have failed in all areas, but that’s not true, so I’m counting my wins and encourage you to do the same.

2019 Wins

  1. Cultivated my blog and posted consistently (so glad you are here!!)

  2. Created a client experience system in my business that I am proud of and able to maintain!

  3. Learned and grew in my knowledge of film photography through workshops and conferences (and plain ole experience)

  4. Invested in a small group and those friendships

  5. Asked for help (HUGE win)

While I am proud of the wins that I’ve had I know that there is still so much work left to be done. I want to finish the year stronger than I started it (if I’m being honest this shouldn’t be hard, but it might!)

July Goals

  1. Keep up with the blog posting

  2. Write out 5 Gratitudes every morning before I get out of bed

  3. Make my bed every morning (sigh)

  4. Shoot 4 weddings!!

  5. Move my body at least once everyday